‘Looking Ahead Together’

Restart of Parish Strategic Planning Initiative

Members of the Parish Leadership Team will speak at Masses over the last weekend in February and the first weekend in March to announce the re-commencement of the Parish Strategic Planning Initiative to seek parishioner support and participation in this program.

The initiative is called ‘Looking Ahead Together’, and involves the development of Our Lady and St Therese Parish, Essendon strategic plan.

The program initially launched in November 2023 and four ‘Focus Group’ workshops were held in November and December of that year, attended by parishioners from both Our Lady’s and St Therese’s parish communities. Unfortunately the program had to be suspended in April 2024, due to an unforeseen change in circumstances of those involved.

The parish is now ready to start up again as we look forward to a future as the Parish of Our Lady and St Therese, Essendon.

Over the next 6 months the parish will develop a strategic plan, to inform and guide the development of our community over the next 3-5 years.

Why are we doing this?
To ensure our parish continues to grow and thrive, it is becoming increasingly important that we develop a clear vision for the future. This plan will reflect, and support, the spiritual, community and material needs of our parish, while meeting the specific requirements and priorities of parishioners within our St Therese’s & Our Lady of Nativity communities. The plan will inform our planning, decision making and investment over the years ahead.

How can I become involved?
Focus groups sessions are being held over three Wednesdays during March, with three sessions on each of those days. If you would like to participate in a focus group, you can register for a workshop by using this link: https://forms.gle/XtNCLze4WHGYgah3A.

Facilitators will garner interest in holding an out of hours or weekend session to ensure everyone can participate.

If you cannot make a focus group, you can email any suggestions or comments to the parish office essendon@cam.org.au

If you have already attended a focus group, we have captured your feedback from that session, so you do not need to come to another session. However, you are welcome to participate again if you have some new ideas to share.

Members of the Parish Leadership Team will lead the consultation process, and report back to the broader Parish Leadership Team at appropriate stages. We hope to speak with as many people as possible across our parish, capturing as many ideas and suggestions that we can.

Our Lady and St Therese Parish Leadership Team

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